5 rings from the last telephone box still in operation in metropolitan France. It is in Murbach (68). Easy to loop. UCS Category: COMTelph. Duration: 00:25.
Audio file allowing the testing and calibration of a 5.1 installation, in french. Download in WAV format! This is 5 channels + 1 for a subwoofer. If one of the channels is not audible, your device is not suitable. More info in our file on "multichannel sound". UCS Category: TEST. Duration: 00:26.
Bird songs recorded at 1 am. It is essentially the "Philomene Nightingale". Thanks to Luc P., for the identification. UCS Category: AMBBird. Duration: 02:06.
Siren of a large French Civil Security truck. Sound recording during the open day of the UIISCI in Nogent-le-Rotrou in France. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 02:05.
I hang up the receiver of the last telephone box still in operation in metropolitan France. It is in Murbach (68). UCS Category: COMTelph. Duration: 00:01.
Sound of a very large industrial switch. Like that of a shed or a very large room. Like you hear in the movies. This sound was created on a computer, with a switch noise, iron bar and reverb. UCS Category: MECHClik. Duration: 00:03.