This is probably a large green grasshopper. Recorded at night, between 2 and 3 meters high, in the vegetation. Easy to loop. UCS Category: ANMLInsc. Duration: 00:25.
Center of the town of La Loupe (28) after the start of the Tour d'Eure et Loir: Few cars, dismantling of equipment. UCS Category: AMBSubn. Duration: 02:37.
The message "This is an important message" in international Morse (sound) alphabet. the Morse is formed of "dit" and "dah" (of points and features). 1 "dah" equals 3 "dit". The spaces between the letters are equivalent to 1 "dah". Ends with a space between the words equivalent to 7 "dit". Realized on a computer with a triangular wave of 1 010 Hz. For more information on Morse: UCS Category: COMTelm. Duration: 00:23.
Mountain torrent, Hautes Pyrénées, not far from the "Ferme Basque" (near Cauterets), in the middle of a steep wood. Altitude of the sound recording: 1153m. UCS Category: WATRFlow. Duration: 03:51.
Recording of "La Donnette", at Hautes Planches in Bretoncelles (61 - France), on the occasion of the residency "Au Bord Du Larsen" (OBDL) in July 2024. For a sound installation reproducing a waterfall using 6 sounds on 7 speakers. Easy to loop. UCS Category: WATRFlow. Duration: 01:49.