Atmosphere on the interior terrace of the café "Brûlerie du Léon" at Capucins (Brest, in France). Easy to loop. UCS Category: AMBRest. Duration: 04:03.
Cartoon footsteps, or fear. Sound of a wooden Agogô being struck. Percussion instrument of African origin from the idiophone family. UCS Category: MUSCPerc. Duration: 00:01.
Omnipresent sun or overwhelming heat, this is a sound effect that is widely used in films. I made this sound in the studio, failing to find it in nature. Maybe it's an insect? If you know more about the source of this noise, tell me. According to another anonymous visitor: The Arizona Apache Cicada is the loudest. UCS Category: ANMLInsc. Duration: 00:44.
The passage of a spaceship. In reality, sound needs air to move: In the absence of air in space, no sound. Except at the cinema.. UCS Category: SCIShip. Duration: 00:07.
A small audience applauds after a piece played by a small band in a bar. Thanks to the music group "Les Accroch'Coeur". UCS Category: CRWDCheer. Duration: 00:02.
Telephone tone when the phone rings in Europe. This is a sound wave frequency of 425 Hz sinusoidal. This sound is easy to loop. UCS Category: COMTelph. Duration: 00:40.