Big drops of rain on a car windshield. These may be immediately followed by sound # 1296 (Storm and rain on car windshield). Sound recording inside the vehicle. UCS Category: RAINGlas. Duration: 01:13.
Telephone tone when searching a correspondent. This is a sound wave frequency of 440 Hz sinusoidal. This sound is easy to loop. UCS Category: COMTelph. Duration: 00:01.
Several beeps of an active sonar. This is a low frequency sonar (long range but low definition). It is a sine wave of 1190 Hz frequency easy to put in loop. In reality, a military submarine usually has passive sonar, more sonar info: UCS Category: BOATSub. Duration: 00:21.
Cartoon footsteps, or fear. Sound of a wooden Agogô being struck. Percussion instrument of African origin from the idiophone family. UCS Category: MUSCPerc. Duration: 00:01.