Wilhelm cry was made by the actor Sheb Wooley. Its first use dates from 1951 - the movie "The Adventures of Captain Wyatt". Since then, it has been popularized by Ben Burtt on the saga Star Wars and in several hundred movies, series, commercials and video games. More infos : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_scream. UCS Category: VOXScrm. Duration: 00:01.
Pink noise or 1/ƒ noise (sometimes also called flicker noise) is a signal or process with a frequency spectrum such that the power spectral density (energy or power per Hz) is inversely proportional to the frequency: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_noise. UCS Category: TEST. Duration: 00:19.
Paris apartment. First floor. Closed window (some glass vibrations at low frequencies), before crossing a boulevard (acceleration and braking of vehicles). UCS Category: AMBRoom. Duration: 04:02.