Alarme d'incendie que l'on retrouve généralement dans les collectivités (Lycées, collèges, centres, etc.). Same sound as #0268 and #2250, but easy to loop. UCS Category: ALRMElec. Duration: 00:01.
Fan noise from an Apple Power G5. Sound recording on the side of the computer (facing "the apple"). Easily loopable sound effects. UCS Category: MACHFan. Duration: 00:10.
Noise made by the friction of a shower curtain with your fingers. It is also the noise of a tent when rubbed in the same way. UCS Category: CLOTHMvmt. Duration: 00:25.
Cartoon footsteps, or fear. Sound of a wooden Agogô being struck. Percussion instrument of African origin from the idiophone family. UCS Category: MUSCPerc. Duration: 00:01.
Cartoon footsteps, or fear. Sound of a wooden Agogô being struck. Percussion instrument of African origin from the idiophone family. UCS Category: MUSCPerc. Duration: 00:01.
Territorial hisses of a male barn owl (Tyto alba). It is also referred to as the common barn owl. Recorded from inside the occupied barn. To learn more, go to Wiki: UCS Category: BIRDPrey. Duration: 00:44.
Two super-heavy trucks (tractor and trailer) intersect and a car follows at a speed of about 90 km / h. Some birds. UCS Category: VEHCar. Duration: 00:18.