Sound of the old merry-go-round in the central square of Cauterets (in France): music from this merry-go-round, children and discreet crowd noises. Recorded in August 2018. UCS Category: AMBAmus. Duration: 02:48.
Sound recording in the passenger compartment of a car during a short journey on a road limited to 80 km/h. It is a Citroën C3 petrol. UCS Category: VEHInt. Duration: 01:16.
Two-tone siren of the French Gendarmerie. Doppler-Fizeau effect of a passage from left to right, made by computer. No engine noise, it's up to you to choose the noise of your vehicle according to your project. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:40.
Beep of a truck goes back. This sound was made on computer. It is a sinusoidal wave of frequency 1220 Hz. Easy to loop. UCS Category: BEEPVeh. Duration: 00:19.