Strong wind in a tree and a patch of jail. Noise needles of a pine tree, a bird cries, wind variable. Learn to imitate the sound of the wind UCS Category: WIND. Duration: 01:18.
About 25 people. They discuss the strong level, as if there was music. No music or other sounds. Walla group. French. UCS Category: CRWDWalla. Duration: 01:54.
Storm then big drops of rain on a car windshield. This sound can be immediately preceded by Sound # 1295 (Rain on Windshield Car). Sound recording inside the vehicle. UCS Category: RAINGlas, STORM. Duration: 00:52.
Big drops of rain on a car windshield. These may be immediately followed by sound # 1296 (Storm and rain on car windshield). Sound recording inside the vehicle. UCS Category: RAINGlas. Duration: 01:13.
Strong wind in the trees, recorded during the passage of the "Miguel" storm on the region "Centre" in France, Friday, June 7, 2019 evening. UCS Category: WINDVege. Duration: 01:58.
Rain then big drops of rain on a car roof. These may be immediately followed by sound # 1294 (Big rain on car roof). Sound recording inside the vehicle. UCS Category: RAINMetl. Duration: 01:49.
Strong wind in the trees, recorded during the passage of the "Miguel" storm on the region "Centre" in France, Friday, June 7, 2019 evening. UCS Category: WINDVege. Duration: 06:12.
Strong wind in the trees, recorded during the passage of the "Miguel" storm on the region "Centre" in France, Friday, June 7, 2019 evening. UCS Category: WINDVege. Duration: 03:27.
Big drops of rain on a car roof. These may be immediately preceded by sound # 1293 (Rain on car roof). Sound recording inside the vehicle. UCS Category: RAINMetl. Duration: 01:22.
This action can be VERY long depending on your connection and the size of the files!
To refine your search: - Choose one or two simple words, - preferably in French, or in English - avoid spellin mistaq and tyyping - Try synonyms - Do not agree verbs - Avoid adjectives (big cat , magnificent thunderstorm, powerful explosion, high-pitched scream, etc.) - Prefer the single name of the source object noise (motor of a scooter, bird in the garden, horn of a taxi, evening wind , hen who has pain in the right leg, etc.) - avoid onomatopoeia and slang - Choose the singular - Do not don't look for what the sound is not (Baby who doesn't cry, windless forest) - Don't write what you want to do with it ( bark for ringing, waves for falling asleep)