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32 results for "siren" - Most at least downloaded

Click here to listen to this sound (#0261)
- Horn of a ship 1
Horn used by cruise ships. UCS Category: BOATHorn. Duration: 00:08.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#2249)
- Fire alarm: communities 3
Alarme d'incendie que l'on retrouve généralement dans les collectivités (Lycées, collèges, centres, etc.). Same sound as #0268 and #2250, but longer. Difficult to loop. UCS Category: ALRMElec. Duration: 00:39.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1464)
- 2 ton siren
Horn of a French ambulance. Sound recording outdoors, without engine noise. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:08.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0035)
- Electronic alarm (buzzer) 1
Electronic alarm signal. UCS Category: ALRMClok. Duration: 00:21.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0886)
- Gendarmerie, outdoor siren
Two-tone siren of the French Gendarmerie, recorded outside the vehicle. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:20.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0451)
- iPhone - Ringtone "Alarm"
Apple iPhone "Alarm" ringtone. UCS Category: COMCell. Duration: 00:04.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0173)
- Electronic alarm (buzzer) 3
Electronic alarm signal (x10). UCS Category: ALRMClok. Duration: 00:06.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#2029)
- Gendarmerie, siren, passage
Two-tone siren of the French Gendarmerie. Doppler-Fizeau effect of a passage from left to right, made by computer. No engine noise, it's up to you to choose the noise of your vehicle according to your project. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:20.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#3046)
- Mechanical entrance doorbell 3
Sound of a bell at the entrance to a Parisian apartment. UCS Category: BELLDoor. Duration: 00:04.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#2731)
- Vehicle siren
Siren of a large French Civil Security truck. Sound recording during the open day of the UIISCI in Nogent-le-Rotrou in France. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 02:05.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1592)
- Piezo alarm 1
An electronic piezo alarm. UCS Category: ALRMElec. Duration: 00:08.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0268)
- Fire alarm: communities 1
Fire alarm that typically found in communities (high schools, colleges, centers, etc.). UCS Category: ALRMElec. Duration: 00:02.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0262)
- Horn of a ship 2
Horn used by cruise ships. UCS Category: BOATHorn. Duration: 00:07.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1463)
- Ambulance, 3 ton siren
Horn of a French ambulance. Sound recording outdoors, without engine noise. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:20.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#2030)
- 2 tons siren, passage
Two-tone siren. Doppler-Fizeau effect of a passage from left to right, made by computer. No engine noise, it's up to you to choose the noise of your vehicle according to your project. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:20.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0089)
- Electronic alarm (buzzer) 2
Electronic alarm signal (x10). UCS Category: ALRMClok. Duration: 00:05.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0088)
- Mechanical doorbells
5 mechanical doorbell of a house. UCS Category: BELLDoor. Duration: 00:22.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1467)
- 2 ton siren, engine and hangar
Horn of a French ambulance. Sound recording inside a shed with the engine on. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:25.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#2031)
- Ambulance, 3 tons siren, passage
Two-tone siren of the French Gendarmerie. Doppler-Fizeau effect of a passage from left to right, made by computer. No engine noise, it's up to you to choose the noise of your vehicle according to your project. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:40.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0887)
- Gendarmerie, indoor siren
Two-tone siren of the French Gendarmerie, recorded inside the vehicle. UCS Category: VEHInt, VEHSirn. Duration: 00:18.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1996)
- Piezo alarm 3
An electronic piezo alarm. UCS Category: ALRMElec. Duration: 00:13.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0269)
- Fire alarm: communities 2
Fire alarm that typically found in communities (high schools, colleges, centers, etc.). UCS Category: ALRMElec. Duration: 00:01.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#2250)
- Fire alarm: communities 4
Alarme d'incendie que l'on retrouve généralement dans les collectivités (Lycées, collèges, centres, etc.). Same sound as #0268 and #2250, but easy to loop. UCS Category: ALRMElec. Duration: 00:01.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0172)
- Alarm semi mechanical
Alarm signal electronics, mechanical mechanism. 3 level ringing, noise of the second hand before and after the alarm. UCS Category: ALRMClok. Duration: 00:47.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#0096)
- Sonor signal: headlights
Beep when the headlights of a car are on and you open a door. UCS Category: VEHCar. Duration: 00:06.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1593)
- Piezo alarm 2
An electronic piezo alarm. UCS Category: ALRMElec. Duration: 00:04.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1466)
- 2 ton siren, motor
Horn of a French ambulance. Sound recording outdoors, with the engine on. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:17.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#3044)
- Mechanical entrance doorbell 1
Sound of a bell at the entrance to a Parisian apartment. UCS Category: BELLDoor. Duration: 00:03.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1465)
- Ambulance, 3 ton siren, motor
Horn of a French ambulance. Sound recording outdoors, with the engine on. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:20.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#1468)
- Ambulance, 3 ton siren, engine and hangar
Horn of a French ambulance. Sound recording inside a shed with the engine on. UCS Category: VEHSirn. Duration: 00:23.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#2760)
- Gendarmerie motorcycle crossing
Passage of several gendarmerie motorcycles including one with a little siren. UCS Category: VEHMoto. Duration: 00:19.
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Click here to listen to this sound (#3045)
- Mechanical entrance doorbell 2
Sound of a bell at the entrance to a Parisian apartment. UCS Category: BELLDoor. Duration: 00:03.
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To refine your search:
- Choose one or two simple words,
- preferably in French, or in English
- avoid spellin mistaq and tyyping
- Try synonyms
- Do not agree verbs
- Avoid adjectives (big cat , magnificent thunderstorm, powerful explosion, high-pitched scream, etc.)
- Prefer the single name of the source object noise (motor of a scooter, bird in the garden, horn of a taxi, evening wind , hen who has pain in the right leg, etc.)
- avoid onomatopoeia and slang
- Choose the singular
- Do not don't look for what the sound is not (Baby who doesn't cry, windless forest)
- Don't write what you want to do with it ( bark for ringing, waves for falling asleep)

Cut out following the dots