The last birds to sing. A few minutes before night in the countryside. Recorded on May 2, 2020 around 9 p.m. Easy to loop.
. UCS Category: AMBBird. Duration: 03:56.
Song of robin, a garden bird. He cries from a tree, spacing his songs for 2 to 3 seconds, then stops, changes his tree and starts again a few dozen times and so on around his territory. UCS Category: BIRDSong. Duration: 00:03.
Barking of the pack of sled dogs of Bérengère, who is a professional leader in Orne (61), in France: +33 6 08 43 02 73. UCS Category: ANMLDog. Duration: 00:42.
Singing a field cricket. Present in France, the field cricket digs a hole in the sunny plains and sings to seduce the female. UCS Category: ANMLInsc. Duration: 00:36.
Sound ambience of countryside at dawn, the moment when the birds begin to sing spring: we are on May 18, 2020 at 5.30 a.m. France, in full containment linked to COVID-19. UCS Category: AMBBird. Duration: 06:17.
Two Tawny Owls or Brown Owls (Strix aluco) that answer each other. A male who hoots and a female who screams. To learn more, go to Wiki: UCS Category: BIRDPrey. Duration: 00:28.
Many frogs sing near a pond in the city center. Sound recording at 2 meters. Sound of a waterfall in the background. UCS Category: AMBSwmp. Duration: 02:29.