Barking of the pack of sled dogs of Bérengère, who is a professional leader in Orne (61), in France: +33 6 08 43 02 73. UCS Category: ANMLDog. Duration: 00:42.
Singing a field cricket. Present in France, the field cricket digs a hole in the sunny plains and sings to seduce the female. UCS Category: ANMLInsc. Duration: 00:36.
Omnipresent sun or overwhelming heat, this is a sound effect that is widely used in films. I made this sound in the studio, failing to find it in nature. Maybe it's an insect? If you know more about the source of this noise, tell me. According to another anonymous visitor: The Arizona Apache Cicada is the loudest. UCS Category: ANMLInsc. Duration: 00:44.