This is the textual version of the "Technical Quiz" from LaSonotheque. To play the interactive version, go to this page. The answers to the questions are at the bottom of the page.
Have fun !
How fast does sound travel through air?
What is the frequency spectrum audible to humans?
What do you call headphones that don't let much outside sound through?
What does the value “44,100 Hz” correspond to?
I provide sound for a group. The singer has a microphone problem.
How do you call a speaker that incorporates a power amplifier?
The sound cannot travel...
What does the acronym “H.F.” mean?
What directionality characterizes a microphone that picks up everything around it in the same way?
A 19" rack, a 24" screen, an 18" speaker... But how many centimeters is 1"?
An audio file intended for a 5.1 setup contains how many channels?
In this list, which format is "lossy"?
Which microphone picks up sound mainly in front of it?
What unit is used to measure sound pressure?
What does “D.I.” mean?
In a balanced XLR, there is a hot spot, a cold spot and?
How much is 80 dB + 80 dB?
A mono jack is 'TS', a stereo one is 'TRS', there are even 'TRRS' jacks. What does 'TRS' mean?
What happens when two sound waves are in phase?
What is sampling in digital audio?
What does "SPL" mean in audio?
I am a stereo sound recording technique created by a renowned French institution. I use two microphones spaced 17 cm apart, with a precise angle of 110 degrees between them. My name is an acronym. Who am I?
The sound frequency of my horn is 520 Hz when stationary. I activate it from my car while driving towards you at 50 km/h. What is its frequency then?
“Cannon” is also the nickname of what connection?
In what year was the first (carbon) microphone invented?
How much does one minute of a stereo WAV file, recorded at 48,000 Hz/24 bits, weigh?
What is "crosstalk" in a stereo recording?
What is the influence of air temperature on the speed of sound propagation?
What is the effect of bit quantization on the dynamics of a digital audio signal?
If my sample rate is 44.1 kHz, what is the maximum audio rate I can theoretically record?
In theory, what is the dynamic range of a 24-bit encoded audio signal?
Q1 : 340 meters per second / Q2 : 20 Hz à 20 kHz / Q3 : Closed headphones / Q4 : A commonly used sampling frequency / Q5 : I'll help him / Q6 : An active speaker / Q7 : In space /
Q1 : High Frequency / Q2 : Omnidirectional / Q3 : 2,54 cm / Q4 : 6 channels / Q5 : AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) / Q6 : Cardioid Microphone / Q7 : Decibel (dB) /
Q1 : Direct Injection / Q2 : A ground / Q3 : 83 dB / Q4 : Tip, Ring & Sleeve / Q5 : They increase in intensity / Q6 : Capturing sound fragments at regular intervals / Q7 : Sound Pressure Level / Q8 : ORTF /
Q1 : 541 Hz / Q2 : XLR / Q3 : 1878 / Q4 : 16,48 MB / Q5 : Leaking from one channel to the other / Q6 : The higher the temperature, the higher the speed of sound / Q7 : It determines the maximum dynamic range / Q8 : 22,05 kHz / Q9 : 144 dB /