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How to Choose the Perfect Music For Your College Podcast

Good background music is important in elevating the quality of your podcast. A good selection will enhance the podcast, keeping your listeners engaged. However, choosing the right music can be challenging, especially if you are just getting started. It’s like writing an essay when you don’t have academic writing experience; you might not pick the right topic, making it difficult to complete the paper, and you might be forced to pay for essay to get a quality paper. But worry not; we’ve compiled tips to ensure you pick the perfect music for your college podcast.

Understand Your Podcast Tone


Not all podcasts are the same, and knowing the feel of your show is important when selecting music for it. If your podcast is informative, the music chosen should allow listeners to get the podcast's message. If it is entertaining, then the music should complement the fun aspect. Classical and instrumental music is good for an informative podcast, while energetic music should be suitable for an entertaining podcast.

Understand Your Audience Demographic

When podcasting, there are a few things to consider, and one of them is the target audience. Choose music that will be fitting for your target listeners. For example, listeners between 18 and 24 years old would prefer and are most likely to engage with modern music such as hip-hop, electronic, and pop. Older people are likely to enjoy genres like jazz and rock.

Consider the Episodes Mood

It is common for the show’s mood to change with different episodes, and your background music should also change with the episodes. If an episode changes to a happy mood, shift your background music to a more upbeat tune that will reflect this mood. If your show does not have a specific direction, you should restrict your choices to music that conveys an inspirational mood.

Consider Copyright and Licensing

Before adding background music to your podcast, consider copyright and licensing. Any music you use should be cleared for use in a podcast, and you should have all the rights required to use the music. Copyright issues can leave you facing court battles, which will see you paying hefty fines and even discourage you from continuing with your podcast. If you desire to use commercial music, ensure you have the license needed for the music.

Look for Free Music Sources

If you are struggling to get a copyright for your music, you should consider other sources that offer free music. The first option is to use royalty-free websites; these websites offer a wide range of free music, and you are likely to find a perfect one for your podcast. The second option is trying out free music libraries, and third, you should take advantage of your college resources.

Pay Attention to Sound Quality

If you desire a quality podcast, the sound quality of your chosen music should also be high. The music should be recorded by a professional studio to guarantee its quality. Listeners will not take your podcast with the seriousness it deserves if the sound quality is low. You might have an interesting podcast worth listening to, but the moment the listeners find that the introductory music is of poor quality, some might not go beyond the introduction, and you will lose potential listeners. When exporting your final podcast, export it in a high-quality format to ensure the final piece is of the desired quality.

Balance Music and Voiceover

Your voice should be clearer and easily audible over your background music. Generally, the background music should be around 20 or 30 % of your voice volume. This rule will make the music enhance the content without disturbing your voice. You can make the introduction a little louder because it needs to grab your audience’s attention. Pick music that can easily blend with your voice to attain this goal.

Match the Pace

The pace of the background music should match the pace of your podcast. If the music is too fast and your podcast is slow, you will be out of tune, and this will take a lot from your podcast. If you are a quick and energetic speaker, the fast-paced tracks can suit you well, but if you are a slow speaker, you should consider slow-paced music. Keeping with the pace of your music provides a more engaging experience for your audience.

Pick Subtle Music


When choosing background music, remember that its purpose is to enhance your podcast and not to overpower it. If your background music overpowers your podcast, listeners will not get your message. Subtle music is thus the best option to consider when making background music. Instrumental music is usually a suggested option for background music as it does not compete with your voice.

Be Unique

When looking for an essay writing service, it is best to pick one that guarantees a unique paper to score high marks. The same principle should be applied when choosing music for a podcast. Find different unique music types that will set your podcast apart from the rest. Some songs are often the preferred option for many podcasters, and even though they are good, they will make your podcast sound like a cliché. So, resist the urge to join the bandwagon. Unique music is an excellent way to make your podcast different.

Test and Share Feedback

Before releasing your podcast to the public, test various music options with some of your friends. Your friends will help you understand the songs that are giving your podcast the vibe it requires. Be open to suggestions when sharing your podcast because the opinion of your small audience is likely to be the same opinion your larger audience will have when listening to your podcasts. Incorporate the feedback to have the perfect music for your podcast.

Closing Remarks

Having the right background music will go a long way in ensuring that you have a quality podcast. When choosing the music, ensure that it matches the mood and pace of the podcast. It should also also be subtle to avoid overshadowing the podcast’s message. Besides, understand your audience demographic to pick the music they will like. If you have a variety of options, seek help from your friends to make an informed decision.

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